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Liberty’s Three Preconditions

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator,

with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

––The Declaration of Independence

An inalienable right is a right that flows directly from Nature/Creator/God. It is not a right bestowed by any government. If liberty is an inalienable right, then we must ask ourselves… Is there something that precedes liberty? Does liberty have preconditions? Does liberty stand on its own or does liberty stand on the shoulders of something else, something essential?

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –– John Adams

At this pivotal moment of our nation’s social and political breakdown, in order that we strategize an offensive that can restore liberty, we must first understand what liberty is, and understand the structure liberty stands upon, otherwise our fight for so-called “liberty” will lead us right back to where we currently find ourselves. As I see it, liberty is a birthright, but it is also a biproduct. If liberty is a birthright, then the structure it stands upon is also a birthright. However, if the human being is born without that structure already in hand, hence born without the tools, rules, and the know-how of building and protecting that structure, then it’s up to our tribe, hence up to those who we most intimately survive with (not the government) to deliver and reveal this additional birthright.

Everything about the human design, both physically and emotionally is made to help us function as part of a small group. Language, empathy, gratitude, facial expressions, reciprocity, friendship, love, child rearing, music, dance, tradition, sacrifice, heroism, wisdom, kindness, etc. These in total are the meaning of human-meaning itself; these make the glue that serves to hold reality together. To summarize, everything that equates to human-meaning can only be experienced in the intimate group with whom we survive. (Big groups are impersonal. It’s been scientifically shown that humans can’t develop genuine heart-connection, build trust, or enthusiastically risk their lives for a group greater than 200 people.) Thus, our own eventual death will only gather meaning if we use our life’s actions towards serving our small interdependent group. A human who lives devoid of meaning is a human who lives a wasted life plagued with addictions and dissatisfaction. Regret ensues.

If someone were to live alone upon an unpopulated earth, liberty would mean nothing at all. Just consider an earth that contains only oneself. Liberty is for a population that aims for a balanced marriage between the acts of survival and the joys of living. No person has ever been born independently of a group and no person can survive without a group. (Even if the group is geographically dispersed, the group must sometimes unite for purposes of defense, procreation, teaching, storytelling, and collaborative shelter-building. A human lineage will die without these gatherings.) For liberty to emerge and for liberty to be sustained, the group must tend to the following three things:


The group’s collective survival requires each member perform life’s basic tasks. Each participant must feel needed by their small and intimate group; each participant must therefore feel motivated in gaining the skills that will earn them the group’s respect––– this is what shapes an individual’s personal identity. Nature hates excess. When there are too many people in a given group, the “extra” people will feel needed and will be regarded as unnecessary. Liberty will not hold under conditions of great excess.


Trust must be continually cultivated and repaired. The group must generate enough trust between them that each person willingly continue remaining vulnerable (willing to give trust to the other). When one member gives another member the chance to prove value and reliability, the first member is taking a leap of faith on behalf of the second. The second could hurt or disappoint the first. The group thrives when each person puts themselves wholeheartedly into performing well. When expectations are met or exceeded, trust will be built, and each participant will then want to reciprocate. Our desire to give of ourselves in excess of what’s demanded is what holds the group together. This is exemplified when members sacrifice personal pleasure for the group’s basic well-being, hence, when members sacrifice some of today’s desires for the needs of tomorrow. The group must have customs and rituals that continually build trust between them. Only if trust is continually built will people take the risks required in fostering collaboration and partnership. Trust is either on the ascent or on the decline. Liberty will not hold if trust declines over a long period.

3. CARE:

The community’s initiation-story must activate caring. The initiation-story helps transform every young person from a fear-based, self-centered, useless, and meaningless dependent, to an able-minded adult who by their hearing the sacred initiation-story, falls in love with the beauty and the functionality of Earth, Tribe, and Creator. Humans are story-creatures. Through a story, we must activate feelings of respect and love as to transform the initiate into a full-fledged participant in the group’s shared story. When the young initiate is made to fall in love with the fabric of reality, hence when he falls in love with the relationships that nourish he and his people, he will then fall in love with the tasks that hold the fabric of reality together. When he falls in love, he is filled with an overwhelming awe that leaves him with only one response––– that in each moment of his remaining life, he will participate in the story that works, in the story that makes sense, on an Earth that is good, thus each day is an opportunity to pay back a debt of gratitude for the gifts he continues to receive. With this initiation, he outgrows his childhood: his fear evaporates into love, his separateness evaporates into tribe, his todays evaporate into destiny. When a person lives to repay the kindnesses given him by Earth and by tribe, he will live to be the glue that holds his people together. His gratitude becomes reciprocity. Reciprocity is the primary action required for sustaining liberty.

A person of gratitude and reciprocity would never give trust or friendship to someone devoid of gratitude, he would never align himself with those blind to the gifts they receive. Though a community can form around a need to conquer a shared enemy, such a community will not last unless bonded by something deeper, something rooted in gratitude. Only gratitude and reciprocity yield a life that’s worth living, and only a life that’s worth living will build partnerships worth maintaining. Liberty will not stand unless gratitude and reciprocity are the life-blood of the community.

As I see it, these are the three pillars of liberty. What is liberty worth if we are unwilling to maintain its foundation. If we fail to live by, with, and for these pillars, then liberty dies, human meaning collapses, destiny evaporates…and we the people will give way to technology overlords, mechanization, globalist banks, concrete deserts, democide, and a Brave New World –– hell on earth. If we fail to uphold the pillars of liberty, then we have violated our nature–––we have violated the meaning of human-meaning itself.

The mentally enslaved automatons who live under the mind control of the democrat-media-machine, have little use for the three pillars of liberty. It will be us, the red-blooded Americans, we who have some spark of liberty left in our human hearts, that must step forward to do what is necessary. For liberty’s sake, we will have to sacrifice some of our todays for our children’s tomorrows. The courageous people-of-liberty must safely deliver a world worth living in. To do so, we must rebuild and reinforce the structure upon which liberty stands. This is our highest responsibility as that structure is the golden foundation upon which our children’s future depends.

As for how you can build the three preconditions of liberty in yourselves, in your families, in your communities, I’ve created content and tools to help you accomplish just that.


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