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Thank You: To The Teachers And The Elders

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

A Dedication––––

I begin this, same as I do all acts of celebration, with a dedication that speaks to where my heart sits. Why? Because nothing in this life means anything if done with neither heart nor meaning.

To the teachers and the elders...

who have made the necessary sacrifices: If you had not taken the time to point out what matters most, then we’d not know how to see through your ancient eyes. You showed us the meaning of beauty and the beauty of meaning. My love for this life was learned through you; it was not by sheer luck or by innate disposition, instead it was intentional, a birthright given, received no differently than a newborn receives milk from his mother's breast. Such a transmission is as necessary as it is old, as old as human DNA itself.

To the guides who gently taught me the skills of life… I thank you for your teachings, but more importantly I thank you for not treating me as a machine ready-made for software. You tended me with respect and patience, which altogether conveyed something greater than a mere transfer of skill. This was your way of saying…

“Welcome! You matter. You are needed here, and while you were born into this world as part of nothing, we now invite you to become part of something beautiful, something that works elegantly, and something through which you will experience all of the loving ways that humans were designed to feel.”

So, I thank you. I thank you for establishing a context where your wisdom and kindness were the soil from which life’s meaning emerged. The sweet taste of that fruit became my reason for showing up, my reason for participation, and my reason to earn dignity––– all of which are the glue that holds a people together. For this transmission of humanness received, I thank you.

–––end of dedication

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