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What We're Fighting FOR

Our war against the deep state and against the radical left is being fought on three fronts. First is the political, second is media, and third is culture, and by culture, I mean parents. Parents are the stewards of culture; they alone carry the virtues of the past into the future. By remembering the past, we never lose sight of what’s kept us both alive and free. The past is supremely relevant to raising liberty’s children, which is why the past is now barely audible. All to say, that today’s war started on the third front, and one way or another, that’s where it will end. Yes, our brave, America-First politicians and commentators are doing their part, but they need us to do ours. So, what do we need to do that we’re not already doing and why have we not yet won this war?

We both know who and what we’re fighting against, but we have not identified what we’re fighting for. Until we define what we’re fighting for, the full force of the mom and dad army will yet to be unleashed.

Some may say that we’re fighting for liberty, for the kids, for America, but it’s not entirely true. If it we’re true, we’d have protected these things in the first place. We could have prevented America’s decay, but we didn’t, and now we’re living with the consequences. Unless we’re willing to do the things that would have prevented the problem, this war will not be won. Therefore, as I see it, we are fighting forsomething much bigger; we must fight for the very thing that makes being human so very special, we’re fighting to uphold the thing that the machine can never replace.

It's by taking our humanness for granted that we find ourselves in this mess. Those who wish to subvert us and diminish the meaning of our humanness, are those who wish to shape us into neutered, genderless robots; they have taken control, and we’ve let them!

Liberty is not an end in itself; liberty is merely the soil in which the seeds of our humanness grow. Liberty is the womb and the seeds of our humanness are the unborn child. There is something magnificent about being human, which means there must be something about living-itself that is worthy of our protection. As I see it, liberty is only as useful as our desire to water the seeds of our humanness. If our humanness remains a seed, then its intended fruition remains dormant. Dormant means unfulfilled potential, it means absent of inherent meaning, and without meaning, there is no reason to bother being human at all. A human without meaning is a slave or a robot. Here’s how I know this to be true: Ask someone who ignores their role in tending the soil of liberty, someone who sees no reason to celebrate their being human, someone blind to the seeds of our humanness, someone who makes no effort or receives no guidance in watering those seeds, ask them why they bother living at all, why they don’t just off themselves, and that’s the moment you discover the weaponized slave, the mindless obedient worker who toils at the behest of the corporate state.

They don’t love life, they merely cope. To them, life is not a gift, it’s a burden hardly worth the effort. And what will they give their attention to? Hope––a dream of progress and utopia, a dream that their overlords and controllers project straight into their glazed-over eyeballs. Like zombies, they are led, prodded by fake victim narratives and prescriptive solutions, namely, diversity, equity, and inclusion. While they chase a mirage created by big brother’s media apparatus, they hope and they cope, because they’ve forgotten what it means to live. Those who live, do not need hope. Those who resort to hope, have nowhere to put their love, hence have nothing to protect but themselves and the utopian vision promulgated by big brother media.

The seeds of our humanness grow when we’ve fallen in love with the creation and its Creator. We fall in love when what we see are not just sensory objects, but a whole web of symbiotic relationships–––a symphony of giving and receiving between things that though appear separate, are not. As without these interdependent relationships, we would not exist whatsoever. When we see how a single tree is woven into the fabric of all life, we are witness to the entirety of creation, and as we become aware of that relationship, creation’s Creator becomes visible to the mind’s eye. When we can simultaneously behold the creation and its Creator, we feel a sense of awe. Our awe becomes love, and love becomes the humanness of the human. Humans are story creatures capable of seeing how all the stories add up to the one great story. When we experience this, it’s impossible not to see life-itself as magnificent and complete. That magnificence is the humanness of the human, and if kept hidden or dormant, the culture never ascends out of the cave and into the sunlight of liberty.

Those of us who still have human blood coursing through our American veins, we live each day to prove our love to those whom we are bonded. We live to make all measure of sacrifice to prove the depth of our love. The reciprocity between us creates the invisible bonds that hold us together, and by the very existence of those bonds, we always know who we are and where we stand, hence, we are never lost. This is a true definition of the word, home.

Home is the cradle of the heart, the humanness of the human, it is the meaning of human meaning, and when we arrive, we protect the bonds that hold the heart in its place. Those who lack such bonds, create a simulation, an imitation; they are mimes crying for attention, fake tears for faraway wars and communities not their own. Mimes offer nothing to their people, yet give their virtue signaling concerns to those who live elsewhere.

Of course, big brother media wants us to forfeit our familial-cultural bonds, so that we instead give our allegiance to the faceless, maniacal State. So, when you see the mindless, modern left seeking the meaning of life, seeking a spiritual journey or grasping at fashionable pop psychology in hopes of finding some contorted reason-to-live, when you see them obsessed with equity and inclusion, you are seeing a people who live under a spell; they are mentally and emotionally homeless; they hope that big brother, big pharma, and big banks will provide the cure to their alienated hearts. These souls have been deprived of their humanness and they have no idea where it went or how to get it back, thus they give their trust and hope to big brother’s promises of “a better tomorrow;” and this is the trail of breadcrumbs that ends with the forfeiture of our humanness.

Those who prove their love to whom they’re most grateful, live in relationship, they live in Earth’s objective reality; they are human; they define themselves by their indebtedness, by what they feel theyowe to those whom they are bonded.

Contrarily, those who wave foreign or ideological flags are not proving their love, instead, they are proving a desperate state of hope. They confuse the hope they’ve placed in an idea or ideology, with love born of actual bonds of reciprocity and intimacy. Their identity is colored by what they hope will become of the world they feel disconnected from, a world they hope will one day love them back for their so-called show of “virtue.” Yet, they despise the people all around them, calling them “deplorable.” Their worldview is antithetical to liberty and humanness.

If the bonds between us atrophy, it’s because our food, clothing, shelter, and materials are provided by a faceless corporation or government, instead of by our friends, family, and the landscape itself. When we’ve lost connection to the people around us, to those who sacrifice for our sustenance, our heartstrings wither, reciprocity dies, love loses its meaning, and that flame in our heart, fed by our love both for our people and for the landscape that feeds us, goes out.

We are nothing more, nothing less, than the loving bonds between ourselves and those with whom we survive. When the bonds between us dissolve, “we” become no one, just alienated, obedient slaves who dream of our next dose of pleasure, relief, revenge, and amusement. When we’re no longer inspired to prove our love, the humanness of the human has died, the soul has atrophied, liberty loses its meaning, and slavery not only becomes certain, but it’s what the populace begs for.

We’re in a second civil war. We’re fighting against weaponized slaves and their powerful masters. Here’s what we’re fighting for: We’re fighting to preserve the humanness of the human, we’re fighting to preserve the bonds that hold people together, and we’re fighting to keep our love alive. Our love stays alive when the sacrifices we make are recognized by those whom we sacrifice for. Humans live for meaning, not for pleasure or amusement. That which is human and that which will always be human, are the bonds between small groups of people who survive together. If those heartfelt, bonds die, people will wander like zombies, chasing false promises of utopia, looking for a home they’ll never find.


When I speak of the humanness of the human or of bearing witness to the love between the Creator and its creation, I am describing a worldview. A worldview is not a law, a principle, a decree, or a wish list. A worldview precedes this; it takes shape from an experience and an experience is something we directly feel and understand as firsthand knowledge. A worldview does not form around blind faith or by being told what to believe in, such things are just placeholders for something more verifiable.

A worldview suited to liberty’s responsibilities takes shape from a specific life-affirming experience. Lessor worldviews arise in the absence of a life-affirming experience. Where the seeds of meaninglessness have been planted, a sickness grows; it’s called Marxism.

To preserve a free nation, there is one thing above all else that deserves top priority. If we ignore the first, it won’t matter how we attend the second, third, and fourth. So, what kind of experience gives birth to the worldview best suited to liberty’s responsibilities, and how does that life-affirming experience serve as the cornerstone of a marriage, of parenting, and of living as an American? I’d like to give you that experience so you can have direct first-hand knowledge to give your children. It’s yours if you want it. I offer this experience at no cost. Now that we know what we’re fighting for, I’d like to hear from you.


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